19th October 2007
Weapons expert Dr David Kelly was assassinated, an MP claims today.
Campaigning politician Norman Baker believes Dr Kelly, who exposed the Government's "sexed-up" Iraq dossier, was killed to stop him making further revelations about the lies that took Britain to war.
He says the murderers may have been anti-Saddam Iraqis, and suggests the crime was covered up by elements within the British establishment to prevent a diplomatic crisis.
The LibDem MP, who gave up his front bench post to carry out his year-long investigation, makes his claims in a book serialised exclusively in the Daily Mail today and next week.
The official Hutton Inquiry into the death of Dr Kelly ruled in 2004 that he slashed one of his wrists with a garden knife and took an overdose after being "outed" as the mole who revealed the flawed argument for invading Iraq.
But Norman Baker is convinced the scientist was murdered.
He says he was told by a secret informant that British police knew about the plot but failed to act in time and that the death was later made to look like a suicide to prevent political and diplomatic turmoil.
The highly-respected MP's personal quest to uncover the truth about Dr Kelly's death was prompted by deep concerns over the circumstances surrounding the apparent suicide.
He - and a group of eminent doctors - were greatly troubled by the evidence presented to Lord Hutton.
They claimed medical evidence proved that the alleged method of suicide - the cutting of the ulnar artery in the wrist and an overdose of co-proxamol painkillers - could not have caused the scientist's death.
Mr Baker said: "The more I examined [Lord Hutton's verdict], the more it became clear to me that Hutton's judgment was faulty and suspect in virtually all important respects."
His findings are today revealed in the first extract from his book The Strange Death of David Kelly. In it, he claims:
• No fingerprints were found on the gardening knife allegedly used by the scientist to cut one of his wrists;
• Only one other person in the whole of the British Isles committed suicide in the same way as the scientist allegedly did in 2003;
• There was an astonishing lack of blood at the scene despite death being officially recorded as due to a severed artery;
• The level of painkillers found in Dr Kelly's stomach was "less than a third" of a normal fatal overdose.
The Lewes MP also suggests that the knife and packs of painkillers found beside Dr Kelly's body were taken from his home in Southmoor, Oxfordshire, during a police search after his death and later planted at the scene.
He tells in his book how he was contacted by "informants" during his "journey into the unknown".
One is alleged to have told him Dr Kelly's death had been "a wet operation, a wet disposal".
Mr Baker explains: "Essentially, it seems to refer to an assassination, perhaps carried out in a hurry."
Another secret contact told him that a group of UK-based Iraqis had "named people who claimed involvement in Dr Kelly's death".
The informant was later the victim of "an horrific attack by an unknown assailant".
The MP, who has repeatedly called for the police to re-open the case, alleges that the scientist had "powerful enemies" because of his work on biological weapons. A colleague of Dr Kelly, Dick Spertzel, America's most senior biological weapons inspector, confirmed to Mr Baker that the scientist was "on an Iraqi hit list".
Mr Baker alleges that opponents of Saddam Hussein feared Dr Kelly would "discredit" them by revealing "misinformation" they had deliberately planted to bolster the case for Britain and America's intervention in Iraq.
The MP claims Kelly's integrity might have "signed his own death warrant".
The book also alleges that British police "had got wind of a possible plan to assassinate Dr Kelly but were too late to prevent his murder taking place".
The MP suggests that the police may have tried to make the killing appear to be a suicide "in the interests of Queen and country" and to prevent any destabilisation of the sensitive relationship between the Allies and Iraq.
Mr Baker adds: "It is all too easy to dismiss so-called conspiracy theories. But history shows us that conspiracies do happen - and that suicide can be staged to cover murderers' tracks.
"All the evidence leads me to believe that this is what happened in the case of Dr Kelly."
The Daily Mail today, Saturday 20 October 2007, makes the point, p6, that "The Lewes MP also suggests that the knife and the packs of painkillers found beside Dr Kelly's body were taken from his home in Southmoor, Oxfordshire, during a police search after his death and later paced at the scene."
How do we know this? Has it been established as a FACT?
Surely this is crucial to the whole event. When the paramedics arrived surely they would notice the presence - or otherwise - of a knife and tablets. If they were not there at the time how was it the police later found them?
How do we REALLY know the police placed them at the scene? Surely this is a serious crime. And one that is pivotal to the whole series of events.
Surely Dr. Kelly's wife would know when the knife and the tablets went missing?
And why is it that Mr baker is campaigning on Dr. Kelly's behalf? Surely Dr. Kelly's wife ought to be leading the campaign to ascertain the FACTS surrounding the death of her husband?
Perhaps we should be told what REALLY happened that day?
John Mortimer
"How do we know this?", that the packs of painkillers and knife were from Dr Kelly's home?
I'm not sure, but think that 'anonymous' means "How does Norman Baker know this?", and if that's what is meant, then I believe other articles by him state that he obtains this information fron the Hutton Inquiry's report. Conversely, if this is not what anon's question meant, but instead meaning really 'we', then I think the answer remains the same.
Again, I'm not absolutely certain, but Norman Baker does state en masse of what the Hutton report declares, including comparing it to what different people who testified have said. That's illustrated perhaps not thoroughly but nonetheless very well, quite strongly, in the following article.
"Weapons Expert Dr David Kelly was Murdered: Why I know ... ", by Norman Baker, Oct 20 2007, GlobalResearch.ca
anon. is right with respect to whether or not these above items were by Dr Kelly's body when the first two people, the ones who found him, arrived, the paramedics, etc. It should be determined if they all saw these items next to Dr Kelly's body, or not; all who went to the location where he was found should be honestly questioned about this.
Perhaps Norman Baker does cover that part of the investigation in his writings though; and he has written more than one book and one article on this, so it's probably a good idea to minimally read all of his articles, before bothering to post questions. it's called "preparation", being well prepared before asking questions. I've only read one or two of his articles, and there is at least one newer one after the above one at GR.
anon. asks, "How do we REALLY know the police placed them at the scene? ...". Well, if the items were not next to Dr Kelly's body when the first two people to find him, the paramedics, and so on, before the police came, then it seems quite clear that it would have been the police who placed the items next to his body; or the last people by his body before the police arrived and who I assume would be the paramedics. It's surely not them who would've placed the items next to the body, the police, the U.K. govt or "establishment" did have motive, having the matter that the war on Iraq could never be justified, that it was totally criminal aggression, a Dr Kelly weapons expert debunking the claims made against Saddam Hussein's govt, etc.; plenty to hide, criminally. The police work [for] the "establishment", first of all. Only the rare police officers will NOT work such that they are criminally complicit with criminal "establishment"; the [rare] officer.
The paramedics would have no motive; nor would other people who saw the body and close-up. And it's probably unlikely that Iraqis in Britain went to the body after there were already people there.
Thing is to determine whether or not all who saw the body close-up also saw these items next to the body.
The police had performed searches two times during the night and early morning leading up to Dr Kelly's death, searches of his home, which might be when they obtained the painkillers and knife, if they indeed placed these items next to the body. These searches are mentioned in the above GR-posted article.
anon. says, "Surely Dr. Kelly's wife would know when the knife and the tablets went missing?".
NOT NECESSARILY; she might have been able to go for many hours before she would have needed the painkillers, and I assume that the Kelly's had multiple knives in their home, so one could be missing and without this being noticed, until it was specifically sought, needed. We have plenty of knives in this home here, and if only one went missing, then it could be a LONG time before we noticed. We don't have some sort of high-tech security system monitoring our kitchenware, ya know.
anon. closes with, "And why is it that Mr baker is campaigning on Dr. Kelly's behalf? Surely Dr. Kelly's wife ought to be leading the campaign to ascertain the FACTS surrounding the death of her husband?".
Norman Baker is an MP, an evidently honest one, one who seriously cares for Dr Kelly's death to be correctly and honestly proven to have been whatever it was due to. And as said in his above GR-posted article, expert doctors also have written about the ... what I'll call corruption with respect to the Hutton Inquiry saying the death was suicide, while, medically, it's VERY unlikely to have been due to this cause. I read two of the articles by these medical experts and these are very important to very carefully read. These people KNOW what they are talking about.
Dr Kelly's wife is NOT MP, or even if she was or is, then this does not mean that other MPs who really believe that Dr Kelly's death was murder and related to the the war on Iraq being based on bogus information and lies should refrain from doing all they can to try to make sure that the truth is known, that the govt corrects its DISHONESTY, etc., etc.
Mrs Kelly might want the matter to be left buried, but Mr Baker is right to push; it's his duty as an MP and citizen.
Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Quebec, Canada
yes,Mrs Kelly no doubt has the key to all this, but probably does want it buried. Norman just wants the truth out.
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