Monday, April 06, 2009

In memoriam Dr. David Kelly. RIP

Today is the fifth anniversary of publication of the Hutton Report into the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr. David Kelly, CMG. This was the biggest load of whitewash for government disgrace in a generation. It was a massive cover-up from start to finish. Unfortunately the media seemed not to notice. And they still haven’t noticed.Dr Kelly was the leading weapons inspector in Iraq. He had made numerous inspections, and he knew what weapons capability Saddam Hussein had.

One of the reasons for starting war in Iraq was a sordid little document known as the Iraq Dossier. It was produced for Tony Blair and claimed four times that Saddam had WMD that could be set off within 45 minutes of an order to go. Dr Kelly, and others, didn’t think much of this claim. After the war in Iraq was ‘over,’ commentators were getting more and more surprised that no WMD had ever been found. Dr Kelly talked to the BBC journalist Andrew Gilligan about the infamous 45-minute claim. Gilligan made a broadcast in which he said that the government probably knew the claim was false when they put it in the dossier. So there was a big hoo ha, and everyone was trying to find the source for Gilligan’s story.

There was a lot of speculation about the identity of the bloke who blabbed. In the end Dr Kelly wrote a long letter to his boss.... Eventually he had to appear before a televised House of Commons committee meeting, and he did not look very happy.

Having heard his story the committee decided to agree with Dr Kelly that he was not the source. Two days later, on 17 July at five past three he went for a walk from his house in Oxfordshire, and was never seen again, apart from one chance meeting with a neighbour en route. On 18 July he was found dead in the woods on Harrowdown Hill. Apparently he had killed himself because of the stress he was under. Apparently he cut his wrist with a blunt knife he’d had for 40-odd years, and took some of his wife’s Coproxamol tablets.

As soon as his death was announced, journalists were clamouring to say it was suicide without waiting for any evidence. An inquest should have been held into his death, but surprise surprise, the case was taken away from the Corner. Why? Well, in a Coroner’s court a verdict of suicide has to satisfy the test of beyond all reasonable doubt. The evidence put to Lord Hutton didn’t satisfy any kind of test at all, apart from the gullibilty of credulous fools in the Fourth Estate.

Firstly, there was hardly any blood, and absolutely none on Dr Kelly’s clothes. Oh, yes, there was a stain the size of 50p on his right knee. You’ll never guess how that got there – Dr Kelly got up and knelt in a pool of his own blood – like you do.

Also he had a bottle of water to take his tablets with. It was found on the left of his body, quite a way from his arm. Dr Kelly was right-handed, or so we were told. So how, or why, come to that, does a right-handed man drink from a bottle and then put it down over to his left when he couldn’t lean on his left wrist without causing himself pain? You tell me, because Hutton couldn’t.

Another funny thing is the time of death. Dr Kelly was found at 9.10 on the morning of 18 July. According to the paramedics who examined the body there were no signs of rigor mortis. They also said there wasn’t enough blood for an arterial bleed. So he hadn’t been dead for all that long when he was found.At the time there were several letters in the press from the Kelly Investigation Group – mainly from experienced doctors who said it was damn near impossible to die of blood loss from cutting the ulnar artery, which is what Dr Kelly is claimed to have done.

Another piece of evidence against the Hutton tale was also published in these letters. Acetone was found in Dr Kelly’s blood, and one of the doctors reported that this only appears about 12 hours after your last meal. We were told that Dr Kelly had a few sandwiches for lunch on 17 July at about 1.00, so that means he didn’t die till about 1.00 a.m. So what the hell was he doing between about 3.30 when he happened across his neighbour going away from Harrowdown Hill, and the time he died? Lord Hutton didn’t bother to ask.

Some comical evidence was given about this by Professor Hawton, a very distinguished psychiatrist. His evidence runs as follows: I have never clapped eyes on Dr Kelly, but I get the very strong feeling that he killed himself. He felt increasing distress and was worried he was going to lose his job. I know that none of his bosses in the MoD said they were going to sack him, but what the hell? That’s what I’ve been asked to say. Oh and that photograph of the knife you showed me? That is definitely a photograph of the knife that Dr Kelly used to keep in his drawer in his study. Of course I’ve never seen the knife, but you know, I just have this gut feeling.

On 17 July Dr Kelly was writing an e-mail to his bosses with a list of journalists he had met over the years. This had been asked for by a member of the House of Commons Committee which interviewed him. It included the name Susan Watts, another BBC hack who he’d spoken to about the 45-minute claim. According to Wing Commander Clark, one of Dr Kelly’s colleagues, he rang and spoke to Dr Kelly at about five to three. According to him he asked Dr Kelly’s permission to change the position of the name Susan Watts in the letter to go to the House of Commons. In view of what the MoD did to Dr Kelly without his permission it’s not likely they would bother asking about that. But they say they did.

Immediately after that call, Dr Kelly left his house for the last time. This just doesn’t ring true. According to Hawton, Dr Kelly has pondered his situation and decided he had just one way out – suicide. Hawton said that Dr Kelly was content with this decision. So if Dr Kelly had his penknife and the tablets all ready to go, why the hell would he have bothered to answer the phone?

Long after the appearance of Lord Hutton’s Report Norman Baker MP decided to get involved. He made some interesting discoveries. He found out that the Coroner had in fact given a death certificate for Dr Kelly about two weeks in to the Hutton Inquiry. Of course, Hutton never told us that. Norman Baker MP also found out that there were no fingerprints on Dr Kelly’s water bottle or his penknife. However, there was some of Dr Kelly’s blood on the bottle. Nice trick if you can manage it. So he picks up his bottle without touching it with his finger ends, smears it with blood from God knows where and then puts it down again as far as he can from a point where it would be simple to pick it up again. And the press just lapped it up.

In November 2006 Lord Hutton took the unusual step of trying to explain his decision. He wrote an article for some learned journal. One thing he said – there was no need to find out if the 45-minute claim was accurate. Oh yeah? Well now, if he found out it was false it would put Dr Kelly’s statements in a whole new light, so dead right we don’t want that. Leave it out. Funny thing is, there was another Inquiry – by Lord Butler, and he reported in July 2004. He said, although he wasn’t very clear about it, that the 45-minute claim was withdrawn in July 2003. Oh what a shame – just six months too late to help Dr Kelly.The strange thing is that two senior blokes to give evidence to Lord Hutton in August and September both said that the claim was still valid. That means they were telling porkies. Did you ever. They were trying to make sure that no one queried the report. Now what do you suppose they got up before Hutton said we decided this claim was crap in July 2003, don’t you think at least one journalist might have popped a question in - like what day in July 2003? Seem to remember that Dr Kelly went missing in July 2003 could there be a connection eh?

Another strange thing is how late the Kelly family called up the police. Dr Kelly had his mobile with him but he didn’t call home. Apparently – we were never shown his phone bill. Mrs Kelly didn’t call Dr Kelly. Apparently – we were never shown his phone bill. So the police came round at about midnight. They were told that Dr Kelly had gone for a walk at five past three, and his walk normally takes about 30 minutes. So he was about eight hours overdue.

Now you and me, we’d probably ask his family where he usually went when he was on one of his walks. But our Oxford plods weren’t up to it. They only thought of this question at about seven in the morning. Shame! So what did our buoys in blue actually do? Why, they went looking around his house and grounds. They also turfed Mrs Kelly into the garden at one point to shove a dog through the house. There was a very special reason for this, as we’ll see later.

A police helicopter was sent up as well. But heres a strange thing – it did not use its searchlight. Yeah, right on. If your’e looking for someone at night you don’t use your searchlight – got to save energy. But the heat seeker should have found him, but it didn’t. There’s a little clue there.

Norman Baker MP wrote a book about Dr Kelly’s death. He reckons to have spent a lot of time investigating the case. Funny thing, he manages to show two different groups of people actually killed Dr Kelly. Now me, I only think that one group could of done it. Also Norman Baker MP managed to miss out some very important documents from the Hutton website, which seems kind of careless. And they are just the ones that show a completely different story and lead to the real truth about where and why it all went horribly wrong for a brave and principled man. Watch this space.
